Our Virtual Design Guarantee is a unique service offered by Rebel Trail and not available from any other website developers in the Toronto area. Originally launched as a pilot program in 2005, the Virtual Design Guarantee allows for unlimited concepts during the creative stage of your project with no alteration in the quoted price – a guarantee that you will be fully satisfied with the website design that we create for you.
Many Toronto web design companies will only provide one or two concepts for your website development project, however if you are not satisfied with these preliminary website concepts, you will likely then have to pay the web development company’s hourly rate to produce additional concepts. This can lead to escalating budgets that spiral out of control and you are still not satisfied with the website design.
At Rebel Trail, we recognized this as a large problem within the website development process in Toronto, and as such, we created the Virtual Design Guarantee. With this guarantee, we will produce unlimited concepts for your Toronto website development project, with no alteration in the quoted price. The process only ends when you are thoroughly satisfied with the design we create for your website – whether we have to go through 2 concepts, or 12.
The feedback we have received from our clients on this Toronto web design guarantee is tremendously positive, and clients feel secure in knowing they can work and collaborate with us on the absolute best web design for their project without having to worry about escalating costs.